Saturday, November 06, 2004

The elevator

Yes, it is right, the elevator is probably the smallest area in Kuwait where you can publicly mix both sexes in . As a result so many frustrations are released and so much energy is generated from this unity. If we can only focus this energy, I think Kuwait will survive even without oil.

Managers and cleaners will never mix except on the elevator. This occasional mix usually creates a new perfume that combines musk, rose water and sweat. If you happen to enter the elevator immediately after the new perfume is formulated, everyone who joins you will think you stink! Sorry, but even if you try rubbing your nose and show others that you are disgusted by the smell too, it is often too late!!

Elevator Etiquette

Think people in Kuwait need to learn some elevator etiquette too. For example:

1) You should wait and check that no one is exiting before you rush inside. I know you pressed the button, but it does not mean that you own the elevator!!!
2) If someone is in the back of the elevator and needs to leave, you should get out and come back in again rather than squash someone and breath heavily on them. Trust me, no one likes your morning breath!
3) Its ok to smile or show a cheerful face. You do not have to look constipated to ride the elevator.
4) Be respectful and allow people some personal space. The elevator will come back to get you later so don't force yourself in.

Kuwaitis are great:
They just need to wake up and smell the coffee sometimes ... Most of the time!